In Ontario, if you’re licensed to drive your vehicle on a public road, then you are required by law to have auto insurance. When you purchase auto insurance, you’ll be asked to provide information about each driver and each vehicle you want covered. A number of factors will influence what rate we can offer you: your driving experience and record, where you live, how you use your car to name the most important ones.
Here is a quick rundown of what’s included in your auto insurance policy.
Disclosure of Insurance Commissions and Contingent Earnings
The following ranges apply to both new and renewal policies
– Auto Insurance – 5% to 12.5% of premium
– Property Insurance, Personal & Commercial – 12.5% – 20% of premium
Contingent Income:
In order to do long term, stable business with the insurers marked above (*), we endeavor to place insurance risks which are suitable to their respective underwriting guidelines. These insurers may in turn recognize the success of this process, through contingent commissions, or “profit sharing”, at year end. This profit sharing does not attach to any individual policy and is paid to us only if our overall portfolio produces a profitable result to the insurer. For more information, please go to the individual insurance company’s website.
Should there be any increase in the commissions we receive for your insurance policies, or any other material change in how we are compensated, we will notify you directly.
As your insurance broker, we act on your behalf and put your interests first. We welcome your comments or questions and are pleased to discuss any concerns you may have.